Health Plans

Daybreak partners with health plans to create rapid access to high quality care for children and families, across both Commercial and Medicaid lines of business.

A Muslim woman
Teenager using a smartphone

Daybreak partners with over 50+ health plans to ensure all children under Medicaid or Commercial insurance are covered

Increasing Access

  • <48 hours to first appointment
  • 14 languages spoken
  • Medicaid and Commercial ensures access for all children

Ensuring quality

  • 82% improve on GAD/PHQ within 6 sessions
  • 92% of parents report behavioral improvements

Superior member experience

  • 4.7/5 star rating from children
  • 9/10 parent satisfaction
  • 90% second visit retention

Benefits of Partnership

Create better member access across all lines of business

Improve the whole family’s member experience

Focus on quality of care

I can confidently say that Daybreak saved my son's life


Daybreak for Health Plans

Your pediatric behavioral health network solution.

Girls smiling and happy