Nuestro equipo

Pryscilla Mann

USC, Master of Social Work

Hi! I'm Pryscilla. I'm a proud USC alumni with my Master's in Social Work. I鈥檓 a bay area native but have lived in southern California since my college days. I love working out, especially hot yoga, going to concerts/music festivals, finding new coffee shops in new cities and being out in nature. I come from a large Filipino family and I grew up surrounded by not only my siblings and parents but also my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. This played a role in how my world view was shaped, how I learned to communicate, how I view and resolve conflict, etc. There were many positives to this. However, as a teenager, I was very independent and self-sufficient and while this helped me thrive in school academically, I struggled with navigating emotions and navigating challenges that were presented to me in middle school. One of the challenges I had was having to navigate cultural expectations and how they conflict at times with American culture where I was growing up. Mental health was not widely spoken about when I was growing up and there were not as many resources available to families. This experience as a teenager inspired me to go into the field of Social Work where my first job after my undergraduate degree was at a crisis youth shelter where I worked with at-risk youth aged 12-17. This job laid the ground work for my Social Work career and although I transitioned to becoming a medical social worker later on in my career, I always knew I wanted to go back to working with children, youth and families part time providing psychotherapy which has led me here today to hopefully meet and work with you!


USC, Master of Social Work


LCSW #120858

A帽os de experiencia:


Pryscilla Mann

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